the journal: we danced. we painted. we explored. we manifested our dreams.

Hello there soul sister,

What a year it has been.

I have poured my heart into creating and hosting Out of Office Creative Retreats Vol. 1, 2, and 3 in Morocco and Germany. What started as a dream—a vision of a space where women could step away from daily life and reconnect with their creativity—has now come to life in ways I never imagined. A safe space where women could come together, learn from each other, connect and collaborate. A space where sisterhood blossoms.

✨ 38 women from over 15 countries
✨ 15 unforgettable days
✨ 25+ creative sessions

We danced.

We painted.

We explored.

We meditated.

We wrote poetry.

We time-traveled.

We leather crafted.

We weaved carpets.

We embodied sunsets.

We created solar prints.

We nourished our bodies.

We manifested our dreams.

We wrote love letters to each other.

We learned about our human design.

We connected with ourselves and our creativity.

We built clay objects and embezzled them with stones.

We created a sisterhood.

Let me take you back to where it all began.

As a female producer, I often found myself as the lone woman on set. This sparked a deep desire to seek out spaces where female creatives could come together, collaborate, and build a supportive sisterhood. When I couldn’t find those spaces—I decided to create them. What started as a personal need grew into something far bigger than I ever imagined.

It's amazing to see something that I have built from a simple need of seeking female spaces has grown to what it has in a year.

And now, Out of Office Creative Retreats: Volume 4 is calling.If you’ve been longing for a space to create, to reconnect, to be seen and understood—this is your invitation. Join me for an experience that is more than a retreat— a creative rebirth, and a celebration of sisterhood.

Morocco is calling. Join us, this April.

Blessings, light, and love,
Your friend Sally


the journal: from strangers to soul sisters


the journal: the story behind out of office creative retreats